Amazing Color (with photos by an amazingly bad photographer)

Often ten-fifteen members attend our monthly Scandinavian Weavers meetings; other times just a few people show up.  What seems uniform is that those who come are rewarded with something remarkable, whether it’s seeing a beautiful newly-woven piece or hearing a story or learning of a new book or upcoming class.  In January we were a small group.  And the remarkable things?  Music and color.  Janis Aune, who has been with us only in spirit recently due to family commitments, brought her nykelharpa THAT SHE MADE HERSELF and played for us.

My reaction to color was heightened by our dreary and cold Minnesota January; seeing the “show-and-tell” weavings was as sustaining as good food or wine.   Janis brought a boundweave piece she made a while back.  The purple-y blue, red, and green is beautiful, and the yellow pops.  Jan Mostrom brought two krokbragd pieces with completely different colorpaths, both equally fetching.  One has saturated colors that are close in value – red, turquoise, green, purple, and more!  The other has distinct bands with almost-autumn colors, sharply contrasted to white bands.  All these pieces should be studied – look how the impact of each piece changes with the colors chosen.  You could weave krokbragd for years just as color studies.

Janis Aune

Jan Mostrom

Jan Mostrom

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