A New Weaving, and Red Bits for the Birds

I finished my fourth danskbrogd piece; the third was monochromatic, and I felt the need to move to COLOR.  “Purple is good,” my painter studio neighbor suggested.  And since I had quite a bit of purple, the large X was woven on a field of purple stripes.


Here’s a detail.


I took it home to work on finishing the back.


This was enjoyed by Buzz.


As I was clipping off the yarn strands, I remembered something that Lila Nelson, my mentor and friend, once told me, about saving bits of yarn and putting them in the yard for birds to find and use in nest-building.  So I saved them and took them to an off-the-path section of some woods where I frequently walk.  Perhaps I’ll see a glint of red or purple up in a tree, later this spring?


The two danskbrogd pieces are now hung in the studio, above my desk.  Please visit!




  1. The pieces are just beautiful, Robbie! The light filtering through the windows makes them stunning! Thank you for your kind comment and encouragement about Jan Molson’s teaching techniques. The Vesterheim class is three days, so I hope it give me time to absorb everything!

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