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Kirsti Ilvessalo: An Inspring Artist in Rya

Some random rya for a summer day… A while back, while searching for the work of another textile artist, I ran across an interesting Danish auction site, Bruun Rasmussen. The Carpets & Rugs  category has primarily oriental rugs, but also some of my favorite types, rya and Swedish Rödlakan rugs. The modern Scandinavian rugs are generally near the end of the website pages for current auction items and sold items. This is a wonderful rya by Kirsti Ilvessalo.

I then did a simple Google search and found images of many more wonderful designs by her.  This is another great piece, offered by Dansk Møbel Kunst.

Some of the Google search results include links to Pinterest pages with tons of other Finnish rugs; I shouldn’t even go there…



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