There are Warps, and then there are WARPS

I spent much of the last couple of days in a weaving studio – not mine, but Kelly Marshall‘s, helping her set up her new computer and update software.  She has an amazing commissioned project underway, an oval 25′ rep rug, woven in three sections.  The 110’ long warp drapes like colorful fat snakes over the back of the loom. There is more warp on that single loom than I have ever warped – combined, in my whole life.


Yesterday Neva Conway, a very experienced weaver in Kelly’s studio, was sleying the reed, 4,896 ends!


Meanwhile, I am warping my loom to weave a fairly narrow piece to experiment with Swedish art weave techniques: Halvkrabba, Dukagång, and Krabbasnår. I am putting on a paltry 132 ends for my 13-inch wide sampler.  Still, it will be cool; I have some non-traditional patterns in mind.


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