The Glimåkra Tapestry Loom, Finally in Action

Thank you, Rebecca Mezoff, for a great weaving workshop, valuable in so many ways.  I practiced various hatching techniques.  Between weaving, closely observing Rebecca’s samples, and absorbing the language of hatching in all of the wonderful tapestries she showed in her slide presentations, it was a very inspiring weekend.


It was also so useful to take this class because it prompted me to warp my vintage Glimåkra tapestry loom for the first time.  When it came as a donation to the Weavers Guild, in the fall of 2014, it was covered in dusty, and probably mildewed, wool warp. I bought it as an extra, and didn’t even know it was such a wonderful find.


I took off the bad warp and took photos of how everything was tied on.  I contacted Joanne Hall and she was nice enough to send me a pdf of warping instructions. (A link is at the end of this post.) I also took photos of a warped loom just like it, which was used as a demonstration at the fabulous Contemporary International Tapestry exhibit at the Hunterdon Art Museum in 2015.


With the Glimåkra, you can choose to use the posts on the top as a raddle, or hang a reed.  Here’s my warped loom.  I was pleased with the tension and weaving experience.



edwin-gas-mask copyToday I wove all day, adding yarn to my warped-and-waiting Norwegian Hagen tapestry loom that has sat neglected and guilt-inducing, for months.  The image I am weaving is my great-uncle Edwin in a gas mask, home from World War I.  I intended to weave it during the centenary of the beginning of WWI, but 2014 sneaked by.  The weaving is going well, although I spent the afternoon weaving and un-weaving one arm, three times.  My image is quite abstracted…. you’ll see, hopefully soon.


    1. Hanging a reed was one of the two methods listed in the old warping instructions sent to my by Joanne Hall. I was skeptical, thinking that a reed would be clunky and in the way of … something. However I was at the studio of my friends Kala Exworthy and Ann Masemore and they just happened to have an extra 8 epic reed of the correct size. It was meant to be, and it works wonderfully. Also, when I started to make the hanging heddles, Kala said, “You can use many colors!” That was a good idea, and next time I will do it even more systematically. Because in tapestry weaving you weave sections, the colored heddles help you to remember, “I did this section, now this is the next section to choose.”

  1. Hello
    I just got a used one of these and am missing the crank and sprockets off both sides and you know where I could get these?

    1. Hi Margaret, Spare parts? I am clueless, unfortunately. But the instructions are here: I received them from Joanne Hall long ago. Good luck! Robbie

  2. Hi Robbie, in a post you wrote in 2016 that you acquired a GLIMÅKRA TAPESTRY LOOM. I also acquired one recently. I’ve been searching for warping instruction and was delighted to find your blog tonight. Could you possibly send me the warping instructions you mentioned?
    Thank you in advance and congratulations on such a wonderful blog page!

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