Frida Hansen’s Signature Roses

Roses in the Landscape,” 1903.  The roses that appear in so many of Frida Hansen’s works star alone in this double tapestry panel at the Stavanger Kunsmuseum. They show her extreme design skill and color sense; some of the abstracted blooms have subtle shading, others high contrast. Some are dark blue and green!

Each panel is 2.5′ x 8.7′

The sinuous trunks of the bushes are beautifully abstract.

Pale dragonflies are near the bottom.

The bottom fringes are very disintegrated, below a beautiful decorative border.

A smaller rose tapestry is in a glass-covered case in the middle of the Frida Hansen room at the Stavanger Art Museum, “Red Roses,” 1902. (a rug?) The roses are even more abstract than those in the long portieres, which were woven one year later. 

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